Bus connections
Tourist bus and shuttles to/from Toulouse-Blagnac Airport
Travel by bus to / from Toulouse Airport
Whether you are travelling by bus to the region’s towns, by coach for longer journeys or on shuttles to Andorra and the Pyrenees, there is a bus available to take you to/from the airport.
Connections between Toulouse Airport/Andorra
Bus connections from Toulouse Airport to Andorra.
Warning: Due to the pandemic, the frequencies and times below may change.
Timetable and journey
- Towns served: Matabiau bus station and SNCF train station > Toulouse-Blagnac Airport > El Pas de la Casa > Soldeu > Encamp > Andorra La Vieille
- Frequency: 4 departures per day, total journey time 4 hours (3 hours 30 minutes from the airport)
- Toulouse Airport > Andorra: departures at 10.15 am, 2.15 pm, 6.15 pm and 10.15 pm / arrivals: 1;45pm, 5.45pm, 9.45pm, and 1.45am
- Andorra > Toulouse Airport: departures 4 am, 8 am, 12 pm and 4 pm / arrivals: 7.30 a.m., 11.30 a.m., 3.30 p.m. and 7.30 p.m.
No service on December 25 and January 01

Contact and booking via Andbus
- Tel: +376 803 789
- Website: www.andorrabybus.com
Ligne Toulouse-Bergamo (Italie)
There is a Flexibus long-distance service to the towns of south-eastern France, and to Italy.
Warning: Due to the pandemic, the frequencies and times below may change.
Timetable and journeys
- Towns served: Toulouse-Blagnac Airport > Montpellier > Nimes > Marseille Saint-Charles > Nice > Torino Vittorio Emanuele (Italy) > Milano Lampugnano (Italy) > Bergamo (Italy).
- Frequency: daily / total journey time: ~15 hours 30 minutes
- Toulouse > Bergamo: departs mid-afternoon, arrives the following morning
- Bergamo > Toulouse: departs in the evening, arrives at noon the following day

Prices and booking:

Other transport options
Discover other transport options at Toulouse-Blagnac Airport.