Become an airport supplier
Welcome to the Aéroport Toulouse-Blagnac procurement portal
- +9% procurement sales in 2019
- 72,7M€ in sales in 2019
- 3,186 orders
- 96% of suppliers are French
- 54% of orders from small businesses
Our core business
Because procurement is a strategic issue and a central function for Aéroport Toulouse-Blagnac, our company has a procurement policy with clear objectives: satisfy our customers and partners, and improve the total operating cost of our various activities.
Our procurement policy has two main components:
- procurement performance: implemented through competitive bidding, negotiation, selection of the best proposal, ongoing optimisation and modernisation of our processes.
- responsible procurement: by calculating the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) when we analyse the proposals received, integrating Corporate Social Responsibility and developing good working relations with our suppliers.
Signing a charter of best practices
To provide a framework for this policy, Aéroport Toulouse-Blagnac signed a charter of best practices in procurement with Mrs Christine Lagarde, France’s Minister for Economic Affairs, Industry and Employment at the time, on 14 December 2012. Through this charter, our company reasserts its continuous improvement approach with regard to its suppliers and especially small businesses, through 10 commitments to promote responsible procurement.
Process and regulations
Aéroport Toulouse-Blagnac is a company under private law with private and public share capital.
In this respect, we are required to fulfil the obligations of certain European directives and comply with France’s public procurement code based on 3 basic principles: freedom of access, fair treatment of applicants and transparent procedures.
The Airport has put together a structured team made up of buyers and support staff, along with processes that enable us to comply with the regulations and build a balanced, long-lasting relationship with our suppliers.
Apply on line
Please see below for a list of our competitive bids and all the information you will need in order to submit your application or proposal online.
Make sure you don’t miss out - sign up and receive our alerts! To do this, download a document in the section below and follow the instructions.
Procurement projects in the pipeline
Our 2021 investment programme includes many attractive projects - here are just a few examples:
Cross-border route
Hall D
Replacement of the walkways
Hall C
Refurbishing the lighting of aircraft parking areas
Construction of a power plant
Hydrogen production
Contractual documents to be downloaded
Covering letters:
- Document to be filled in and signed when you submit an application along with a commercial proposal:
- Document to be filled in and signed when you submit an application only:
General terms and conditions of purchase:
Conditions Générales d'Achat 450.76 KB | pdf
Rules concerning quality, safety and the environment:
Fascicule sécurité et environnement 795.44 KB | pdf Conditions d'accès à la zone côté piste 149.05 KB | pdfContact
Purchasing Department - Finance Department
Bâtiment « la Passerelle » - 3ème Etage Nord
CS 90103 - 31703 BLAGNAC Cedex